End to end encryption communication using Python

2 min readMay 26, 2021

What is on today trending? Exactly it is end to end encryption. Then why don’t we make this trending topic as python project? If you are thinking it is possible? Don’t worry here we created python project for end to end encryption.

Reference :https://www.guvi.in/course_login

We all using many social media .In that they mentioned as end to end encryption. It is that our messages are encrypted when we are sending and it is decrypted when it is received to that user.

The same we are going to follow in python.

First we need to install cryptography library

You can install “cryptography” using the pip command given below

“pip install cryptography”

First we are going to import all libraries.

The below code is for message sending .

The below code is for message receiving.


If you enter a wrong key it will display like a below image

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